
Cure Anxiety Attacks - Ones Costing You Life

Life will be easier after reading this post, if you are struggling with anxiety:
It is non debatable that the modern way of life causes personal stresses and anxieties not conceivable in previous decades. Stressful living combined with tendency of moral laxness produce anxieties. Obviously a person cannot escape anxieties. All life great achievements require dealing with stress in one form or the other. There is no single remedy or cure of these maladies which we can term as ideal or mainstream treatment. However, the real solution to the problem centers in development of appropriate thought patterns and wholesome attitudes. Now let us discuss options to cure anxiety attacks.

Paper Bag Re-breathing

During onslaught of anxiety, people start breathing too fast. This is natural and normal response to fright. This causes exhaling of lot of carbon dioxide. Sudden loss of carbon dioxide in the body causes the symptom of anxiety. So doctor takes a paper sack and hold it tightly over the patient face who breathe into it for few minutes and save losing the gas. Patients are taught to do the same by themselves whenever they face such dilemma. However this technique lowers the oxygen level in the bloodstream and not popularly used.


Medication can relieve some symptoms of the diseases but it is not provided permanent cure. Moreover, it side effects are severe and lead addiction. Medication is available across the counter drugs and prescription drugs. Most of these medications relieve the symptom for a while. It produces drowsiness. It causes feeling of well being but build up tolerance to have more doses.

So, it is highly imperative to decide whether medication is right option by weighing pros and cons and doing good researched and seeking expert advice.

Natural Medicinal Therapy

Natural medicinal therapy is available with big bang claiming of subduing symptoms of anxieties. This is conventional method of curing without backing any authentic clinical scientific research.

Self Help Cure Strategy

It is necessary to adopt positive healthy lifestyle. This would reduce anxiety level substantially by confronting wrong beliefs, cynic attitudes and rigid lines of thought that spark and sustain worries.

Be upfront and accept the situation

Take the difficulties as opportunities. Be remembering that hurdles build muscle. Difficulties improve the experience to deal with them. This would enhance your skill to survive in weird situation. Once you kick off resolving the problem, anxiety would automatically de-escalate.

Positive Affirmation

Running away from the problems complicate the situation. It is none but you who can handle your difficulties. Your consent is must. You can do it. If you make up your mind, you find a clear street in a blind maze. This will allay your anxiety level to a quite manageable proportion.

Share your problem

It is essential to share your problems only your most trusted person. This will provide a lid to take out emotion which was boiling inside. This will lighten you up and open a vista for exploring more avenues to settle in better situation. However, be careful, problems should not be shared with all and sundry, as most of them do not care and rest would be glad that you have the same. This would aggravate your illness. So believe in a person who desires your development and well being. As soon as you come out of quagmire, your anxiety level will start melting down.


Anxiety cure lies in relaxation. Anxiety is just a feeling and reaction to a perceived threat. It pounds your heart, accelerate your breathe, make your muscle tense etc. As it is difficult to be anxious and relaxed at the same time, relaxation techniques can bring back your heart, breathe and muscle to normal level of functioning.


A physically fit person less susceptible to disease as he devotes time to exercise enabling him removes clutter of worries. Exercise further improves mental efficiency and increases the blood circulation that benefits other organs of the body. It enhances the body endurance and promotes a feeling of zest and well being necessary to curb anxieties and carry out successful undertakings. And if you are over weight you should learn how to lose weight to over come anxiety.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Anxiety holds a firm grip on muscle, making it tense. Progressive muscle relaxation softens the muscle tension and relaxes the body. This gives you timeout to distract from worries.

Deep Breathing
Deep breathing helps calming down. This relaxes you and reverses the symptom of anxiety. However, it is important to learn this exercise properly. Sometime people breathe in a wrong way using chest and shoulders causing short and shallow breaths, which in return increases more stress and anxiety. Right way of breathing is:
While sitting in a comfortable position, your back straight and release the tension in your shoulders. Let them drop. Close your eyes. Place one hand on stomach and other on chest. Take a few normal breathe letting your belly rise and fall. If your belly stays and chest rises and falls, it is wrong. Continue to take deep breaths, focusing on only moving belly.

Meditation evokes beneficial changes in the body. This improves spiritual peace in meeting the challenges and repulses anxiety attacks.

It is always best to use less aggressive method to treat the diseases as far as possible. It is equally important to handle the problem at once and not allow it to fester and magnify to the extent that it becomes difficult to manage. One must learn to believe in himself and learn to adapt plan fit with the given circumstances.
But if anxiety goes out of control, take the expert advice from the medical professionals. Healthy life pattern is the best cure of anxiety attacks.

How to Stop Anxiety Attacks for good

Do you want to know how to control Anxiety attacks, look no further, its all here!!
We don’t need a crystal ball to see the grave impacts of anxiety attacks. It robs the vital energy, zest, pleasure and health. It makes the affected person despair and depressed. His life turns gloom and sluggish. He feels worthless. He has dead influence on things. He is in boat without oars. All these have eating away him slowly but surely. It is essential to come out from anxiety by removing the root causes of it at the earliest. Prolonging it can’t be afforded. It consequences will be quite serious. Life can’t wait. Life circus moves on. Speed must be adjusted to pace with the life. An expeditious retrieval action is required to counter the menace and take back the situation in hands.

It is equally vital to prevent relapse anxiety onslaught. But the question is how to stop anxiety attacks at all? Why should let it happened at the first stage? What should be done now? How to stop the attacks and repulse it? It is needed to simplify the life pattern and see the things in its right perspective. Life complexity demands this. Life cannot be static. It is moving up. It is not always the same. It is like a roller coaster. We never know when it takes turn. Sometime, it is on smooth road. While other time it is on arduous street. All sorts of eventualities are to be expected. Nature made the thrill short lived and thorns most of time to face. Unpredictability, fear, fret and stress are part of life. It can’t be avoided completely but minimized. Preventive and proactive approaches are the best remedy to stop anxiety attacks and should be adopted at once and keep it continued on perennial basis.

Check what is frustrating?

Need is to check what is frustrating the most. Once the cause is identified, it will be easy to develop appropriate strategy to resolve the same. If it not is done then this will grow formidable and land us in more difficult situation. It is essential to come out from comfort zone and look out of box to find the solution of the problems. It is rightly said that coming out from frustration is the first defense line to stop anxiety attacks.

Learn to adapt to the situation

Once the realization dawn that stresses can’t be eliminated in life and it is an integral part of it, our behavior will automatically modify to adapt the changes as reality of the life. It is now responses to the situation positively and accordingly. It helps to develop thought patterns that deal with the adverse situation and stop from worrying.

Establish a balance approach

Learning a balance approach in life is essential to thwart anxiety. Too much involvement in anything causes damaging effects on health. Human nature is not monotonous. Variety in life is essential. It is useful to do some contrast activities to get relief from boredom. This will refresh and divert mind from clutches of worries which is a major cause of anxiety.

Taking out time for self

Preventing from anxiety attack, it is required to take out time for some pleasant activities that crowd out worries of life and give rest to the brain and muscle. Most effective way is to lie down comfortably, close the eyes and put the worrying thought in neutral. It will be pleasant to create imaginary environment in which one take retreat for a while in isolation. Thoughts should be trained to ignore distressing activities. This is a proven way of stopping anxiety attacks.

Build an attitude of Trust

Most of the life’s fear originates from the feeling of distrust regarding coping skill of handling the difficult situation. Trust on your natural instinct and go softly without pushing panic alarm. This will brook you to develop a broad based solution to resolve your worries and drive out fears – a prime cause of anxiety.

Learn to manage fear

Main source of anxiety is fear and apprehension. It is natural to fear. Every one fear and there is nothing wrong with it. However, great people know how to manage the fear and come out from the prison of it. Once the technique of managing fear is known, there will be no risk to meet the imminent challenges of life without hesitation. As soon as challenges are countered, anxiety would start repressing and evaporating.

Learn to be fit physically
A numerous studies have proved that mentally and physically fit, well rested and contented persons are less vulnerable to anxiety attacks. Regular exercise, good sleep and strong faith are prerequisite to stop anxiety attack. This should be the regular feature of life.

An isolated man feels more uncertainties and fear in event of undesirable happening. He thinks that he is left out in quagmire and no one is there to pull him up. It is always good to have networking so that required support can be gathered from the trusted allies etc who could stand shoulder to shoulder in the crucial moment. This will relieve the burden. Anxiety would stop there and not knock the door, as the sufferer is not alone.

Once philosophy of life is understood, chances to fall prey to anxiety are very rare. First have trust in faith, live simple and happy life, and not high maintenance but down to earth and normal. People run for the big break. But real breaks in life are much smaller. Small wins are the big plus. Life happiness hides in smaller things. Not to moan but to appreciate the life. Tension free life is the real key to happiness and health which can achieve by adopting the simple ways. Prevention and stopping anxiety, worries, fear and fret is the pass word. These are to be kept in heart and mind to practically feel how to stop anxiety attacks.